Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Don't let anxiety or fear of the dentist get in the way of a healthy smile.
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Dental Sedation Alleviates the Fear Associated with Oral Surgery

Many people feel scared or anxious about going to the dentist. Studies show that this is very common in America, with up to 80% of adults experiencing some level of dental anxiety. Unfortunately, this often leads to people avoiding the dentist, sometimes missing their regular checkups altogether. Dental anxiety can cause physical reactions such as increased heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure, leading to lower pain tolerance, slower healing, and higher rates of post-surgery side effects.

At our office, our experts have special training in anesthesia and sedation dentistry to help you relax during procedures. We want to ensure you feel safe and comfortable while you're here, whether you're coming in for a routine cleaning or considering full-mouth dental implants.

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Dental Office

Who Can Benefit From Sedation Dentistry?

Those with any level of anxiety or fear related to dental procedures
Those with past traumatic dental experiences
Those with overly sensitive gag reflexes or sensitive teeth
Those with aversions to the noises, smells, and tastes associated with dentistry
Those with a low pain threshold
Those who need multiple or complex treatments
Those who want fewer appointments and an ability to combine treatments

General Anesthesia Training and Licensing Helps Ensure Patient Safety

When an oral surgeon administers general anesthesia in their office, they must have special training and equipment to ensure patient safety. To be qualified, they need to complete at least three months of training in a hospital setting and pass an evaluation by a state dental board-appointed examiner. During the evaluation, the examiner observes the surgeon administering anesthesia to patients and verifies that they have the proper equipment and staff to handle any emergencies that may arise. Our oral surgeon, Dr. Eberle, has extensive training and experience in all forms of sedation, including general anesthesia, ensuring that you are in capable hands.

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Multiple Sedation Dentistry Options

Understanding the range of choices that are available to relieve anxiety and discomfort is crucial when looking for the right surgeon to perform your dental implants. Listed below are the three most common sedation options.

1. Nitrous Oxide

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Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a colorless gas frequently used in dental procedures alongside other forms of anesthesia to reduce anxiety. It has been a safe and effective tool in sedation dentistry since the mid-1800s. During the procedure, nitrous oxide is combined with oxygen and inhaled through a comfortable mask placed over your nose. Once the nitrous oxide is turned off, you breathe pure oxygen for a few minutes. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, and many patients have little to no memory of the procedure. This type of sedation doesn't have any lingering side effects, allowing patients to safely drive themselves home afterward.

2. Oral Sedation
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Oral sedation is a form of dental sedation administered in pill form before treatment. This sedation helps to calm the part of the nervous system associated with anxiety and pain. While sedated, patients feel relaxed and pain-free while still remaining responsive and in control of their bodies. This type of sedation is safe for most patients and provides a comfortable and stress-free dental experience.

3. IV Sedation
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For complex dental surgeries or patients with severe dental anxiety, safe sedation dentistry can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable. One effective method is IV sedation, which involves administering sedative medication through a thin needle inserted into a vein in your arm or hand. During both IV sedation and general anesthesia, we closely monitor your vital signs and keep you in a "recovery" area under observation by our staff until the medication effects have worn off. Due to lingering side effects, please arrange for a designated adult to drive you home after the procedure.

4. General Anesthesia
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General anesthesia is the strongest form of sedation dentistry and is ideal for patients with severe dental anxiety or those requiring complex treatments. To prepare, you should avoid eating or drinking anything for at least six to eight hours before your appointment. During the procedure, we will administer the anesthesia and closely monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. While sedated, you won't feel any pain or stimulus. The side effects can last up to 12 hours, so it's essential to have a designated adult accompany you to our office, stay with you during the procedure and recovery, and drive you home afterward.

Don't Let The Fear of the Dentist Impact Your Health

Our clinic is a judgment-free space where you can leave all your anxieties at the door. We understand that a visit to the dentist can be stressful for some people, and we strive to make you feel comfortable, calm, and confident during your time with us. We specialize in helping patients overcome dental fear, offering a range of techniques to ensure you feel at ease during your treatment, regardless of the type of procedure or the level of anxiety you experience. For those who require a deeper level of sedation, we offer unique general anesthesia options, providing this service outside of its typical hospital setting to better accommodate our patients' needs.

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Creating captivating smiles

Rediscover the joy of a confident smile. Our state-of-the-art advanced treatment solutions ensure that you're not just undergoing a procedure, but investing in a lifetime of laughter, conversations, and shared moments. Whether you require a simple cleaning or seek a complete smile transformation, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Lynn Haven Dental Specialists is your All-In-One multispecialty dental office. With 50+ years of combined expertise, we serve Lynn Haven, Panama City, and all of Bay County, Florida.

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