Tooth Extractions

Florida Dental Implant Institute Knowledge Base
Tooth Extractions

An extraction is the procedure of removing a tooth from a patient’s mouth. It used to be one of the most common dental procedures since it used to be easier to remove a tooth affected by an infliction rather than try to treat it, thus lowering the risk of further complications.

Today, tooth extractions are not as common since so many treatments exist to save damaged teeth before an extraction becomes necessary. However, tooth extractions may still be performed in some instances. These include serious dental disease, oral injury, severe tooth crowding, tooth impaction, or severe gum disease. In some patients, extractions can be used to correct bite issues by giving teeth more room.

Tooth Extraction
Tooth Extraction

Modern tooth extractions are often accompanied by anesthesia, especially for patients with dental anxiety. Despite this, most general and cosmetic dentists can offer extractions, though certified oral surgeons are the most experienced in providing it since severely injured teeth are often replaced by dental implants after extraction.